How You Can Save The World By Eating Farmed Atlantic Salmon

How You Can Save The World By Eating Farmed Atlantic Salmon

Imagine a perfectly cooked piece of salmon in front of you. A dark brown crust runs along the top sprinkled with salt and pepper, glistening with healthy fat. And as you press your fork into the moist flaky meat, the clean crisp smell of the ocean escapes.

Now imagine as you take a bite of this melt in your mouth fish glaciers stop receding. You take another bite; the thermometer drops leaving “hottest days on record” in the past.

Eating farmed Atlantic salmon will help you save the world. But before we find out how, let’s talk about beef.

The world eats 130 billion pounds of beef each year1. That’s approximately 520 billion hamburgers or 65 hamburgers per person. For every person in the world. Every year. Producing 65 hamburgers releases 3.5 tonnes of greenhouse gasses2. That’s the equivalent of driving from Toronto to Vancouver, 3 times3.

Eating Farmed Atlantic salmon can save the world

Each time you choose to eat a meal of farmed Atlantic Salmon over beef you are reducing your greenhouse gas emissions by 44 kgs4. That’s the same as saying “I am going to drive 177 kms less today”. How far is 177 km? That’s a trip from Charlottetown to Moncton with enough gas left over to drive to the supermarket. Every meal.

Switching from beef to farmed Atlantic salmon can have a dramatic impact on reducing your carbon footprint. A goal we all need to achieve if we want to stop global warming.

Is all farmed salmon created equal?

The numbers you read above are for all farmed fish. So how do you choose the right product that is going to be produced as ethically and environmentally conscious as possible? Easy. If you want the best fish produced to the highest standard look for Best Aquaculture Practices Certified Farmed Atlantic Salmon.

The BAP pillars of certification are Environmental Responsibility, Animal Health and Welfare, Food Safety, and Social Accountability. They use the most up to date science and standards to ensure that farming produces the highest quality fish for the lowest environmental impact.

Put your money where your morals are

Next time you get groceries, buy a piece of farmed Atlantic salmon with the blue BAP label and do your part to save the world. If your grocery store doesn’t have it, ask them to stock it. If your money speaks, let it speak for the environment.

1. World Beef Consumption: Ranking of Countries (USDA)

2. Greenhouse Gas Emissions per 100 Grams of Protein

3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle

4. The difference between the cost of beef and salmon farming based on 100g calculated using data on the average passenger vehicle from the EPA website.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions per 100 Grams of Protein

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle

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